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Ever since I was a young girl, I have dreamt of becoming a wife and mother.
You can imagine it felt as if my dream came true fairly quickly in life as I got married during my second year of college. 22 years young, I was excited for the new adventure before me.
As the years went by. I was blessed with my first baby and then my second. Two sweet girls who became little best friends.
Then suddenly, my marriage came to an abrupt halt after 8 years. My devastation was shattering. I found the heaviest part was having to share my girls. I knew I no longer could be with them all the time and it was heart wrenching.
Through the divorce, I proved to myself that I can do hard things.
I moved back in with my parents.
While I was super grateful for them and know that I wouldn’t have made it through the divorce without their support and love, this transition was incredibly hard at first.
I started nursing school
I quickly realized that I was going to need to support my girls financially. I wanted to create the very best life for them and I knew that a nursing career would still allow me to be with them most days and still be able to have a full time job.
Nursing school was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. There were days when my alarm would go off at 4 AM and I just didn’t know if I’d be able to make it through the day. I was emotionally and physically exhausted.
The summer after Sam and I got married, we decided it was time to start trying for a baby. We were blessed to get pregnant much quicker than we thought. We were thrilled.
If we’re being honest I was so excited, but I was a little worried as well. I was worried that maybe I wouldn’t love this baby like I loved my girls, was it too quick, was I even ready to take on another baby after going through such a difficult trial?
I felt reassured multiple times throughout my pregnancy that God had a special little spirit waiting to come down and this was the right time.
We found out we were having a baby boy. I instantly felt a connection to him. We decided to name him William right when we found out he was a boy. William is named after my great Grandpa Papaleo, who was a handsome Italian man who loved his family fiercely. He had three beautiful daughters, one of them being my grandma. He was very protective of his girls and would do anything for them.
The name William also means protector. Another reason why I felt inspired to choose this name.
My Will certainly came into this world protecting my heart. He was born with a strong and peaceful presence. Maybe he knew that my heart had already been broken before and was committed to protect and mend it.
I still struggle when my girls are away. I miss them greatly and nothing will ever fill their place, but Will came into the picture and mended so much hurt and pain. He’s been protecting my heart ever since he came into this world. My tender little miracle.