The Heartache Before Our Blessing

The Heartache Before Our Blessing

First Little Miracle

I pretty much got pregnant the first try. I was surprised because I'd always had hormonal issues and I worried that it would cause fertility issues. We were so excited for our little miracle. Around 12 weeks I felt a huge gush of fluid and was told by a nurse I'd probably just wet myself. I had no other issues until a month later on Oct 31 and I had another gush followed by a lot of bleeding. I knew as soon as it happened my water had broke. We rushed to the ER where we waited for about four hours. I pretty much already knew to expect bad news. They did an ultrasound and it didn't go well. The tech had to press really hard due to lack of amniotic fluid and the look on her face pretty much confirmed what already knew. When they told my husband and I the bad news they said I'd have to go up to the labor and delivery unit to be induced. I was both heartbroken and terrified, this baby had been a part of me for a long time and you always think you're in the clear after making it through the first trimester. Before going to the labor and delivery unit, they decided to get a second option from a OB first who said to wait and come in to see them the next morning.

Making a Difficult Decision

At that appointment, the OB said that they could attempt to save my baby but the chances were not good and even if we did manage there was extremely high risk of developmental issues due to lack of amniotic fluid. She checked for a heartbeat and there still was one. Which meant we had to make a decision. We went home and decided that it was best to let the baby go. It was hard but I didn't want to prolong my baby's suffering. Nov 5 I went in to be induced. Our baby was born Nov. 6. He was tiny but perfect. We named him Leroy William Hill.

Rainbow Baby

We were given the okay by my OB to try again after 6 weeks postpartum. We tried again in January, but I had a chemical pregnancy. Determined to not give up we tried again in February and found out I was pregnant 2 weeks later. The due date was Nov. 6. Everything went well until about 20 weeks. I started having sharp/ labor like pains. I was diagnosed with incompetent cervix and later, irritable womb. Basically, my cervix started dilating way too early and my body starts to go into labor for little to no reason. I had an emergency cerclage. I needed to have labor stopped a couple times until 36 weeks when they decided to take the cerclage. At 37 weeks I went into labor. There was a mistake at the hospital when I my cervix was checked. Nurse said I was 7 centimeters but I was actually only 5. They didn't realize until I'd already gotten the epidural so they decided to just induce me. I pushed for 4 hours but oh man it didn't really hurt until the last 20! Emmalyn was born healthy at 6:45am Oct. 6m my angel baby girl. She is now a fiery redhead with the best personality! 
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