Your baby’s christening, baptism, or blessing day is one to be celebrated. At Miriia, we are honored to be included in their special day. The outfit is a very beautiful and special part of their day, but we know the ordinance is the most important. Here are a few tips to add to this special occasion.

The Outfit
One of the most important parts of the special day. Make sure you prepare your baby’s outfit beforehand. Open your dress or boy’s outfit and make sure you steam out the wrinkles if needed and make sure it fits your baby. Put the outfit and any accessories all together, at Miriia we provide a Keepsake or Heirloom Box in the bundle options for you.
The goal is to keep the outfit as clean as possible, so don’t change baby into the outfit until after you arrive at the church or other location. Make sure you have a cute backup outfit you love, just in case. Babies always save blowouts for special occasions.
After the ordinance, make sure the outfit is cleaned and put in a safe, dry place. Some people frame their outfits, or have them dry cleaned and packed, or you can store in a Miriia Box as well.
Happy Baby
First, we need to understand that this is a busy day for baby so, they probably will get a little overstimulated. Try and make it as easy and normal for them as possible. Try to plan the ordinance around baby’s nap and feeding. Make sure they’re fed and decide if you want baby awake or asleep during the ordinance and go from there. Try not to stress too much, and make sure you set your boundaries with others about your baby. Do you want your baby passed around with friends and family or just to be held close to you? Decide what is best for your baby and remember it’s their special day!

The Extras
Do you want special photos from a photographer or some classic phone photos? This would be a great time to have a photo taken of your family all together, dressed up nice. Also a great time to have photos of baby with their grandparents, so make sure some photos are taken.
Do you prefer a nice dinner or a potluck? Think of something easy for you so that you can focus on baby and spending time with loved ones. Find a small shop to make custom cookies or other dessert.
This is a great opportunity for loved ones to meet baby for the first time, so think of displaying special photos of baby for them to look at afterwards. Leave out cards for them to fill out with their memories and special wishes for baby to create a time capsule to read later.

Miriia was created to celebrate our little miracles, these babies are so special and important to us. These blessings deserve to be celebrated and we love to celebrate with you. Find your favorite Miriia Outfit here.